Users who post horny shit all the time piss me off. I'm not even going to hold this back because I have every right to spit my shit. Making it their whole personality is what really bugs me. Same thing goes for making posts that are practically begging for some shitty ass attention. But back to my original subject real quick. Let me make one thing clear. Posting horny shit ruins your reputation, by a lot. Saying horny shit just to win an argument just proves you have no insults. Same thing goes for copypastas. The original intention is to annoy the user. If it doesn't annoy the user, that just makes you look pretty stupid. It's just stupid and cringe in general, that's why I would never resort to that level of humor. Alright I got some yapping to do; Making posts about a user bugging you slightly is also a shitty ass idea as well. If you really want to win an argument, do it yourself and don't call for backups. If you are dating/online dating, don't talk about it 24/7, that shit is cringe as f**k as we do not care about your personal life. One last thing, you can't be a sensitive little shit or act like you are sensitive because it's stupid and NOT cute. In conclusion, don't be a dumbass or a 12 year old with a porn addiction. Please grow the f**k up. This has been a message from Moonshade.