Shhhhh, don’t let the pro-Palestinians (erm, anti-Zionists) see this! They’ll accuse you of genocide again, as they fall asleep each night listening to Hamas propaganda
This is an essay I wrote 👍; A Zionist is a person who believes that Israel has a right to exist. To be anti-Zionist in general means to hold that Jews are the only people in the world who must be denied the right to self-determination in their homeland. And so it is already anti-Semitic because it discriminates against Jews in relation to all other peoples. But if it might have been acceptable to be anti-Zionist in the late 19th century, it is no longer acceptable today. To be anti-Zionist today is to believe that a sovereign state, which gives a home to seven million Jews and two million other human beings, should be destroyed and Jewish citizens expelled or killed. To be anti-Zionist today is extremely anti-Semitic. If you then add that more than 90% of Jews are Zionists, to claim that one hates Zionists but not Jews is ridiculous. To lynch someone because they believe that Israel is a legitimate state as all others are is fascist behavior.