To be fair yeah, randomness is a concept, we don't know if it's actually random and more often than not things do happen for a reason, but what that reason is not understood then it might as well seem random to us, the same way that 'magic' is simply science that we don't understand.
But about that... The things that lead to where we are now can't have all been a coincidence, there is some cause and an order to things in the world, that much is certain, but behind every cause there has to be some intelligence to make the decision for that cause to happen eventually, and even if that intelligence has it's own 'pre-planned' way that it forces the world to go, it made a decision, which means it can change it's mind, and we can interfere with that as well even if on a small level, that I believe disproves the notion that the world is completely guaranteed to go a certain way.