High in their Ivory Tower, the Court’s six-justice conservative
supermajority has overturned Roe v. Wade, outlawed affirmative
action, invented a right to carry guns in public, (further) hollowed
out (what’s left of) voting rights, hamstrung efforts to fight the
gun violence crisis, protected the rights of homophobic bigots to
discriminate, established evangelical Christianity as a
quasi-official national religion, tossed elected officials’ efforts to
protect citizens from a deadly pandemic, scuttled the Biden
administration’s student debt relief plan, subjected refugees and
immigrants to an ever-growing list of xenophobic cruelties, blessed
the proliferation of cartoon-villain public corruption, granted
white-collar criminals’ fervent wishes for a more lenient justice
system, and gutted the administrative state several times over, thus
ensuring that no democratically accountable branch of government
can do anything anymore without the express written consent
of the nearest Trump-appointed, Newsmax-brained district
court judge. In its final decision of the term, the Court immunized
Donald Trump from prosecution for his myriad crimes (coup-
related and otherwise), and in the process created a supercharged
version of executive power that their preferred candidate,
should he prevail in November, can spend the next four years
abusing. This Ivory Tower court will go down in history
and not gently.