I had a friend over, a friend that I basically mansplain a ton of bossfights lore to bc they are actually interested in it (and yes the horny data thing was something I explained to them) I then proceed to go the bathroom, to come back to the issue that happened, I took a few breaks to play some games (not phone games) in my dad's garage (we have a game setup there) bc of all the drama, and I wanted a break.
Then I finished (took a few breaks in between) and saw anons post, then I realized what happened. They were screwing around on the whiteboard (I left the tab open). I asked my friend about it and they looked around in a goofy way and then pointed themselves and said "me?" Like they were a cartoon character. It was in a way that was obviously sarcastic, and I knew what they were doing. I wasn't even surprised, because this wouldn't be the first time they've done something like this. They also went on my alt like a year ago and typed the N-word in some weird code-like fashion.
They are now gone and I now know to never leave them unsupervised with access to my devices.