comment the number and letter for when you first met me (both acc) - for example if you rememered me as mariofanatic and/or yoshi-guff it'll be 1A; ? - none
1 - mariofanatic
2 - mariotheguy or smth
3 - Yoshi_Official
4 - SusYoshi_Official
5 - YoshiTheSusFrisk_Official
6 - YoshiTheSusSidekick_Official
7 - .-Yosh-.
8 - YoshiTheSpookSidekick
9 - YoshiTheNutkey
10 - festive_yosh
11 - YoshiTheVeteran
12 - .-YoshiForSomeReason-.
13 - .-Yoshi-. ! - None
A - Yoshi-Guff (this was a shared alt at the time)
B - Yoshi-Guff-Thomas
C - Yoshi-Guff-Thomas-Crossbones-Sunburst
D - .-Ihsoy-.
E - Ihsoyotic
F - Yoshalt
G/I/K - -.Yoshi.-
H - Yttrium.
J - BadlyDrawnYoshi