Ms Butterfly, we need to talk; STAR: OH! HEY JADE, I'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU TO COME! well, im not pleased. I'm not saying your a piece of s##t. but I do want to talk, Cartoon to Cartoon. OKAY. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO TELL ME? I just want to mention. that I have been angry for a stupid reason. the fact that I have to crawl through the mud and blood on the battlefield fighting terrorists and invaders from other countires. why you can win a battle as horrible and long as that in just less than a day. remember the Bulgaria fight? you won that because of your superpowers. I understand there was alot of enemies. but, the fact you were able to win that so easily? doesn't seem fair for the others. especially my team whose only powers is that we respawn after dying because were cartoon characters. and me and my team just use guns because were soldiers. and we are the ones who fight to protect people while we just suffer so hard, and when you or a superhero comes in. it makes me ask myself "Should I just give up being a soldier?". Ms Butterfly. I'm Afraid. I am. Afraid of the reality that I have to face that I will never get the recognition my team and the TimeZone cast deserves for helping out. Because were just a bunch of generic, dumb, soldiers and snipers.