Xyon: Son...Son wake up, you want to come to work with me today? Don't you?
Xninix: Yeah, dad! Of course I do! (For context, Xninix is about 7 years old right know)
Xyon: I knew that would get you up
Xninix: they'll let me over this time?
Xyon: yeah I was able to convince them, now go put on that suit I gave you and let's go
Xninix: okay! *He jumped out of bed and quickly put on his Xylone battle suit* okay ready!
Xyon: c'mon then, you've learned how to fly right?
Xninix: yes Dad, I did it while you were gone and I trained with it on my own time
Xyon: alright then, good job
*The two walked out of his room and out to the living room, where Xena was taking care of smol Xylex, who was only 3 years at the moment.*
Xyon: Hey Xena, I'm gonna take Xninix to work today, I was able to convince my boss to take him
Xena: oh that's good! Good luck you two
Xyon: you too *he walked over to the two* See you two later
Xninix: Bye mom!
*The two walked out of the house and Xyon started to fly*
Xyon: alright, your turn
*Xninix flew up to his Dad and stayed steady*
Xninix: got it!
Xyon: good, let's see how fast you can go then *he started to fly off while Xninix followed*
*After a bit of flying they reached the Ship Warehouse*
Xninix: wow, this place is even huger when you're close up
Xyon: yeah it is, this place holds all our spaceships, it has to be big
Xninix: yeah, that makes sense
Xyon: follow me, I'll show you my workspace *he flew up and over to a mechanical doorway and showed his eye to a scanner, which opened the door*
Xninix: wow it's so futuristic here
Xyon: yeah we got the lastest technology, we've already surpassed the humans with it, and with our abilities we can easily destroy them if they try anything bad
Xninix: that's cool!