"Peace? For what party? Certainly not for the Palestinians." It will be peace for both parties as Hamas has nailed the coffin for Gaza being independent in the future ever since 2005. Israel will eventually annex the Gaz, eradicating what's left of Hamas.
"I mean they aren’t allowed to have an army because they would be considered a dangerous threat, as if Israel didn’t have one." Hamas is practically the Gazas military, as they control Gaza entirely. As they were elected. "Wasn’t Hamas created two decades after the founding of Israel?" Hamas was created as an anti-Israel group like the PLO. Does that mean the PLO was funded by Israel then?
"And about the West Bank, it’s being occupied continously by Zionists. I don’t see it not becoming a part of Israel without resistance, peaceful or not " You realize that this whole mess started by Palestinians, so if they had that land, they still would try to attack us wether we were taking their land or not, which we dont, but they still believe we do.
This argument was about how if Israel lost it wouldnt be a genocide.