Spongebob is f**king gay I don't let my kids watch that homo shit I'm sick and tired of the media forcing this sissy bullshit on our children I'm not going to stand for it anymore with sandy the lesbian squirrel patrick squidward Mr krabs gay cock suck the subliminal messages within that "kids show" are brainwashing our sons to grow up to become professional cockwashers the liberal left will stop at nothing until all of the young men in this country are playing the skin flute Spongebob perpetuates an "alternative" (homosexual) lifestyle how do the people of this country expect to defend ourselves from foreign invaders when all the recruits are playing ass bandit it's time for people to wake the f**k up and put an end to this shit not going to rest until this "woke" Democrat LGBT groomer bullshit gets taken off the air and Hillary and Obama Viet Congs are prosecuted for trying to overthrow the government vote Trump 2024