All I have to say is that you shouldn't suffer through the dark days. But I'm sure you know that you yourself will one day have to deal with these kinds of things in reality, as will those you hold dear. Death is a thing that happens, and nobody can change that, but without death, the planet would overpopulate, and those who grew old and were ready for their time would suffer from their old age, and those who haven't got a great life would suffer from all what they suffered beforehand and more because the pain would never end. So, sometimes, death is for the better. It may be hard to endure, and may be painful, but as time goes on, it will hopefully get better. Leaving Imgflip for good may not end up helping, because death, in the end, comes to everyone someday, be it a relative of a schoolmate, gaming friend, or oneself, but taking time off would give you a breather and only have to deal with the harsher side of reality instead of both sides, as well as being able to return at any time. And hey, sometimes, you don't need to worry about other people, and shouldn't, because it's not your job to give people care. Take me for example. I lack empathy, sure, but that's because I have my own things to deal with (mostly loneliness but we don't talk about that) and I once had my dad tell me that it's not my job to deal with a kid at my school who hasn't gotten the attention that she needed, if I'm suffering from it, which I was since she's kinda insane (Actually not an exaggeration). You come first, remember that, because if you aren't that fine, you can end up saying something you don't mean, hurt another person further than they're already hurting, or even be pushed to attempted suicide from feeling too much of other people's pain.
Note: I understand that you, or other people, may disagree with my "Nobody can take away death" thing and whatnot due to religious beliefs, I know that's a thing since my grandma is very confident in trying to ensure that me or the other grandkids are members of Christianity and makes me go to church with her every Sunday I'm with her, but considering if the religious beliefs were true, if God really could take away death at some specific time, I wasn't really paying attention, he wouldn't, because he'd know the effects it would have; too many people on the planet, overdevelopment due to so many people overtaking the planet, and nutrients never given back to the ground that should have been a long time ago.