The year is 2784. The liberal party has been elected for president for the 726773rd time.
The USA is now The LGBTUSA.
Washington is now Wokeington.
Montana has been renamed to Pronountana.
Homophobia is equal to LIFE in prison if caught.
Saying a slur you cannot reclaim is death.
Misgendering someone is a fine of 1000 dollars.
Not having a pronoun pin in a public space is also a fine of up to 900,000 dollars.
Carl's junior is now Carly's Senior.
Burger king is now Burger Queen, and Dairy Queen is now Dairy king.
Eating vegan is a law and you MUST support Peta or you will have the death penalty.
Anything going against this will be IP tracked and the offender is shot on site. New copypasta