**Mikey Way (4, shy and timid)**: I have a crayon...
**Gerard Way (5, loud and energetic)**: Mine is bigger than yours!
**Frank Iero (4, mischievous and sneaky)**: I'm going to color the teacher's hair!
**Ray Toro (4, quiet but observant)**: That's not a good idea, Frank.
**Bob Bryar (4, the peacemaker)**: Let's all share crayons and play nicely.
**Gerard:** No! I want to draw a monster on the wall!
**Mikey:** (cowering behind a table) Don't draw a monster! It will eat me!
**Frank:** (sticks a crayon into Ray's eye) Oops!
**Ray:** Ow! That hurt!
**Bob:** Please stop, friends. You're making the classroom a mess.
**Gerard:** Mess is fun! We're the Blackest Kindergartners!
**Teacher (entering the room)**: Oh my gosh, what is going on in here?!
**All five kindergartners:** We're causing chaos!
**Teacher:** That's not very nice. You need to behave.
**Frank:** But it's so much more fun this way!
**Ray:** Frank, you're going to get us in trouble.
**Mikey:** Please don't tell our mommy!
**Teacher:** I'm going to have to talk to your parents.
**All five kindergartners:** (in unison) Noooo!