When scums of the earth keep bashing, attacking and foul-mouthing the religion
of A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE EARTH POPULATION and spewing hateful Islamophobia and outright blasphemy such as "Islam is the religion of terrorism! The Quran
says to kill all infidels! Ban Islam! Kill ALL Muslims! Nuke the Middle East!" and getting
100,000+ upvotes day and night and you call it "fReEdOm oF sPeEcH aNd a bAsIc rIgHt!!!"; But someone just DARES to even remotely HINT at a simple and harmless FACT such as "Jews control the world" and getting mass downvoted to oblivion; you cry a river, censor that post, ban his 20-year-old
account over it and call it "aNtIsEmItIc hAtE sPeEcH wOrSe tHaN mUrDeR!!!"