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Search up wedding dresses. It'll give you all the divorced females in the area. And as a bonus, you can filter by size.
If it doesn't work, or you're not an adult yet, then try the following:
Girls tend to like the hard-to-get boys more. Act antisocial.
It's best to make sure you keep your hair in order and remember to have good hygiene. Most girls have some sense of attraction to pleasant, subtle scents.
Laugh along with their humor and always be supportive, but remain subtle and keep your distance.
Most important rule of girls- always be kind and calm. Lots of girls find that attractive for some reason.
If the girl starts talking to you occasionally, you can be a bit more straightforward.
If she can't find a group work partner, you can always make a calm offer, and be understanding of her needs and boundaries.
If she seems sad, you can always comfort and assure her. If her body language indicates an inability to let it out calmly, just stay close, smile, and give her a quiet moment.
Be sure to celebrate birthdays!
Compliments on appearance should probably be saved until later unless she has low standards.
Girls have frequent mood swings, but they actually have a pattern from girl to girl. Learn it!
Let her lead the way when you're a team. Allowing her to lead when she wants to will give her confidence, and a closer bond with you.
Listen closely for allusions to her preferences. If you know what she likes, you can get closer a little quicker, most likely.
Happy girl-pulling :)