Alright, This was 2 months ago, during that my friend was trying to hook me up with some girls. I told him I have a Girlfriend. he didn't really belive me. I told him multiple times btw. few days later he got me to text an ugly girl and her saying that she liked me. i Did'nt know how to turn her down bc i didn't wanna be an ass (now i relized I was a dumbass then) and i was trying be nice and compliment her even though I thought she was ugly. the next day I reliezed what I did during a convo with my friends. I didn't know it was flurting, I was so upset with myself so I wrote an apoligy for her and when I got home I called her and apoligized without sugarcoating it. she forgave me and she still loves me. I can't have my phone now but I try to find ways to talk to her, Pray for her, I still love her.