Streaming sucks, you will never get the greatness of a movie on streaming than you will in a movie theater. I fear that one day, streaming will take over the way we watch movies, and cinemas will die, and I really don't want that.
Going to the theater (in my opinion) is 101% better than streaming on a small screen. When you are watching on the big screen, you get surround sound, popcorn, and everything that makes a movie enjoyable.
I get why people don't like theaters, you ARE sitting with random people, and plus, why would you pay 20 bucks to see a movie once when you can pay, like, 25 to have the movie to watch whenever and wherever, but screw that, I love watching in a big screen.
I won't interfere with you or our wife's choices, but if it was up to me, screw it, go to a theater!