Freddie :"Np Practice is on Startuday we see how you do with the group". John "So our band is call the Queen we hoping one day we will go big like the Beatles did ". Roger:"I more Ac Dc man but they cool too". Brian "No No Earth Wind and Fire men they're the best band". Doug "Everbody know it the Stix that are cooler". Barry "But Elivis is the King of rock ". *All them look at BarryFreddie said, "The practice is on Saturday. We will see how you do with the group." John replied, "Our band is called the Queen, and we hope to become as big as the Beatles one day." Roger added, "I am more of an AC/DC fan, but they are cool too." Brian disagreed, "No, Earth, Wind, and Fire is the best band." Doug chimed in, "Everybody knows that the Styx are cooler." Barry interrupted, "But Elvis is the King of rock." Everyone looked at Barry and agreed that Elvis was the best singer ever. **and agree that Elivs was the best singer ever*