He used to try and psychoanalyse me much like a few other obsessed stalkers have in the past in these long wall of text essays alongside a few other users who were Right-wing and subject to their whinging. He was completely unaware of the reality that I simply don't give a shit and don't take myself seriously and that concept simply escaped his understanding of my motives.
He drove himself a bit mad with his hate-fuelled obsession with me and to my credit I did try to help him. I really tried to lower his guard and get him to mellow out and perhaps just have a bit of fun but his left-wing, delusional, terminally-online, tormented mind wouldn't let him simply enjoy himself.
He's unfortunately not the first person to start obsessively hating on me and taking me seriously. I mean seriously, ME. I'm the dumbest f**ker on Imgflip and I regularly rip the piss out of myself because I'm just here to have fun but for whatever reason sad, delusional leftists keep trying to 'destroy' me and my supposed ego or whatever thing they imagine up for whatever fantasy reason they use as justification be it my previous character's (alts) or whatever particular storyline I've come up with for roleplay to use against me somehow.
Sorry for the long reply but I thought you deserved a better perspective.