Every death of Tom in talking tom and Friends minis
Season 1:
Spring date
Tom sick day (Debatable)
A big thank you
Season 2:
Tom's new love
Diet plan
Horror movie night
Micro Tom (Debatable and not real)
Messy guests (twice)
Underground Adventure (Debatable)
Season 3:
Night of shooting stars
Tom needs help (Debatable)
The movie kiss (two Debatable)
Season 4:
Hank must go (Debatable)
Camera action
Season 5:
Season 6:
Cuando fastidian al pato lucas
Comen cosas agenas
Cuando Mickey tiene un hijo 2
Mordecai y Rigby graban a Giggles en el baño
Barney recusita a Giggles Tom y Donald
Goofy y Tom cocinan al padre de splendid
Easter class act
Loca de limpieza
Total: 17 (23 if you count Debatable deaths)