Unconscious, the agency soldiers fell on the floor.
Soon, Setuh, Amber, and X separated, put on the uniform without taking off their usual outfits, hid the bodies, and searched for the others, who also have done the same thing. Once they met up, they had a little talk.
"Now, before we go in, I wanna ask a few questions.", spoke X.
"Sure, shoot away.", allowed Setuh.
“Do you want me and Liam to completely burn the building down once we’re out?”.
"And shouldn't you two do something about those heads of yours?", he said as he awkwardly stared at Byrd and Setuh.
"Oh. These? Yeah, just give us a second.", Byrd said while pointing at his own head, "Also, look away and close your ears. This is gonna get a bit painful."
The three looked away while the siblings shaped their heads. Bones were cracked and crushed. Muscles were ripped apart. The skin gave out a few farting sounds. The two screamed and writhed in agony as they changed their heads.
“Okay… w-we’re done… you can look now.”, suggested Byrd.
The three looked back at the two, and were shocked - and a little horrified - by the results. The flesh of the siblings had formed to look a lot less "Observian" to blend in with the crowd. Although they have the same colour, hair was produced from their flesh to hang around from their heads. Setuhs "hair" was straight, whereas Byrds had the style of a curly afro.
"Whoa... you look...", Saike was about to finish.
"Yeah?", waited Byrd.
"HEY!", exclaimed Setuh.
"No, not you Setuh. You look adorable. Byrd, however...".
"Oh, f**k off! Afros are cool and you can't change that!".
"I like afros too. You just look shitty with that style."
"... Shut your trap, bastard."
"Okay. Okay. That's enough. Let's not fight about his looks, okay?", comforted Amber, "Let's go in!".