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The Red Retrieval Chapter 4: The Guardians of The Portal

The Red Retrieval Chapter 4: The Guardians of The Portal | image tagged in the red retrieval | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
128 views Made by Punch_The_Clock 4 months ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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The Red Retrieval squad had now been formed, consisting of Byrd, Setuh, Saike, X, Liam, and Amber. With one task to be fulfilled, the six warriors raced through the skies, seas, and grounds to search for the destination of the portal. The whole journey took around five hours until they truly found where it had existed.

The portal appeared in the very centre of a massive grassland. Never had it ever disappeared before, as it stayed there for a long, long time. As the team were about to approach the entrance to the alternate realm, its guardian caught hold of their attention. The guardian was none other than a robotic, humanoid giant, programmed to do nothing but to protect the portal, and to destroy those, who wished to enter it. Its eyes were red, its overall colours were silver blue, and its hands were elongated machine guns. It circled everywhere, checking if there were anyone, who wanted to go through the portal.

With care and caution, the team hid behind large rocks, and observed the guardian. Saike was with Byrd, while Setuh, X, Amber, and Liam were hiding behind a much larger rock.

"You never told us that there was a robot guarding this.", Saike said.
"Well, we didn't know. Maybe Dynamo didn't see it.", Byrd whispered, "For now, we need to keep quiet."
"Did you even plan the whole thing before we all went?".
"... maybe I did? Maybe I... didn't?".
"Oh my god... you dumbass... What the hell is wrong with you?".
"Sh-shut up! You want to start an argument?! Here?! Right now?! While that big, old robot is just standing there?!".


A big red light shone on their heads, as the robot stared down at the two. The two looked up and realised that they were targeted.

"Shit.", muttered Saike.

The mechanical warrior put out its whirring guns and aimed. But before it shot, Byrd jumped, carried Saike on his shoulder, and sprinted away from the guardian. Terror struck his face as he sweated a lot.
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Saike kept looking at the robot, and looked down at Byrd's back.

"What the hell are you doing? Let me go! I can take that robot on!", shouted the God of Blood.
"No! I can't just put you down! Not while that thing is trying to shoot me!", the blue man argued, "Hell, it might not even run out of the bullets!".
"For God's sake! You're literally the worst ally I ever worked with! Just put me down!".
"No! And gee! Thanks, Captain Obvious!".

Fortunately, the robots stopped shooting, and began to reload. While it did that, it rapidly stomped towards its enemies. Somehow, and much to their surprise, it was catching up to them.

"Since when do big things move fast?!", Byrd complained.
"Shut up and let me go!", shouted Saike.

With great force, Byrd madly stopped and threw Saike at the robot's face. Upon flying at it, Saike unsheathed his Kuroba out and prepared to slice the head in pieces.

Meanwhile behind the three, the other four squad members were hundreds of yards away from their friends. Setuh and Amber hovered in the air, while X and Liam sprinted.

"I know this sounds crazy, but we can't leave anyone behind! I'm not gonna risk my brother and my friend to get lost.", Setuh said.
"Whaddays know, Setuh. We're gonna get lost anywa-.", the running X was suddenly interrupted by a rumble on the ground.

Liam was feeling the quake too. Setuh and Amber quickly stopped and turned around. Struggling to move properly, a worry ran down Liam's spine. Once he looked at the ground, he spotted a crack on the dirt. Realising what was about to happen, his head turned to his student.

"X! JUMP TO THE SIDE!", screamed Liam.
"What?!", loudly questioned X.
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Without further ado, the two lunged to separate sides. Between them, a large drill machine erupted out of the grass. As it violently spun in the air, it transformed. Its back slowly opened, and its limbs emerged. Drills formed as its hands, and the head stayed as a drill. The robot swiftly crashed on top of eight bushes. It then got up, and opened its hands and head into three pieces, making a triangular star shape. The centre of the face glowed light red. It eyed upon its portal's raiders.

"That... is not good...", worried Amber.

The robots arms lifted in the air. From what the four saw, there were holes between their split hands. A sizzling and rumbling sound was heard from the holes. Immediately, missiles came out. Cracking as noisily as bats, the projectiles zoomed far. More were coming out of the holes.

"EVERYONE! SCATTER!", screamed Setuh.

Everyone hurried and avoided the attacks. Two or three missiles headed towards Setuh, but she thought fast. She made an invisible forcefield around her. As soon as it was hit, the impact of the explosions pushed her away and slammed her into the ground. The others were occupied avoiding the missiles one by one. This went on for five minutes, until X decided that it was enough.

"That's it! KOLMANIS!", chanted X.

A great circle of flames surrounded him and the robot. The some grass began to burn, but thankfully the flames didn't spread. The missiles that were headed towards X exploded, and the circle shrank under the robot. Looking down, the robot zoomed in on the matter.

"Warning! Extreme heat levels or high temperatures detected! NOW, PROCEEDING TO ACTIVATE DRILL MODE!", programmed the robot.
"Nuh uh! You're not going anywhere!", Amber scowled while gracefully dodging the missiles.

She rapidly flew downwards towards the guardian, while she led the missiles. The robot was about to transform and drill downwards to escape the heat, until it heard them blasting down on him. As its eyes set on Amber, it turned to her. Its hands turned into normal drills. Its face closed and spun. It put its arms backwards, as it was about to stab Amber. As it had calculated, it swung, but before it could touch her, she took to the skies. As a result, the missiles hit the arms and the chest, thus making a large explosion, physically devastating the drill robot in the process.
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"ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! DAMAGE PROVED FATAL!", called out the robot.
"That's not all, bucko!", said Amber, "Get back!".

She hurled her spear from the sky, and flew slightly away. The spear speeded up as it fell down, and it stabbed through the robot's core, finally proving its end.

"ERROR! ERROR! ERRO-", the robot eventually turned off.

Meanwhile, Byrd and Saike tried to have their way in defeating the robot with machine guns. It swung out its arms, hitting Byrd and Saike in one go. Byrd was sent crashing against a tree, while Saike fell into a puddle.

"No… You got my clothes wet!", scolded Saike, as he got up.
"Ow... my head...", groaned Byrd on his knees.
"You metallic piece of SHIT! HYDRA!".

Three bloody dragon heads popped out of Saike's back, and madly roared at the robot. The guardian put out its machine guns and began shooting once again. No effect was made as the bullets went through the hydra. The God of Blood watched the guardian back away. With an intention on destroying, he smiled.

"Tear that thing apart.", he quietly ordered.
"WARNING! UNKNOWN ENTITIES FOUND!", programmed the robot.

The hydra understood his demand, and stretched towards the robot. Two of its heads bit on its arms, and ripped them off. The third one slowly opened its mouth. Before the robot was able to react, its head was chomped on. The neck was quickly cut off as it was strongly pulled, and the head was munched to pieces. Then, the whole body collapsed onto the floor.

The hydra returned to their owner, as he strolled towards the now-deactivated robot. With disgust, he kicked the guardians torso.

"Nice try in attacking us. Too bad that this was your last fight.", he smirked.
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The God of Blood walked to Byrd, who sat and suffered from the impact of the swing. He frowned and looked down at him.

"Get up, you idiot.", he said, "We have to find our friends. We even have a mission to continue."

He looked up and remembered what Saike said during their previous fight together.

“Mental strength… feh.”, he thought.

Replying not, Byrd stood up and shoved past Saike, while stomping across. His eyebrows displayed signs that he was tired of Saike's rudeness. While he walked with his ally to find the others, his arms reached for a lighter and a cigarette. He lit the cigar up with the lighter, and put it in his mouth. A depressed, bored look appeared on his face as he gazed at Saike. Puffs of smoke came out of his mouth.

"Huh. You never told me you smoke.", told Saike.
"Of course, I do. This is the first time I've been doing it since months ago. D'you not smoke?", asked Byrd.
"Nah. I don't. Why would I be like you? I got my own drinking problems".
"I know, and I think that an mean guy like you should stay with those problems."
"Oh. Very funny, blue bitch. Very funny."

Ten minutes later, the rest of the squad were found, got together with Saike and Byrd, and rediscovered the portal. It flashed brightly in their eyes, signifying its beauty, which one couldn't relate to. Byrd took a step forward, and got close. He reached for the portal. Before he actually touched it, he paused for a second, and turned to his sister and friends.

"What's the hold up?", X asked.
"I... I just wanted to thank you all for helping me and my sis in saving my bro. I don't really know how to repay you guys.", Byrd confessed.
"Like I said. I'm doing it for him. Not for you.", said Saike.
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Oh... then no problem", said Amber.
"What the angel said.", said Liam.
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"You know what? Since y'all are here, I think that I should tell you a well-improvised speech about how much you all mean to m-", Byrd was interrupted.
"Okay. We get it. You love us so much. Your friends are seen as the best people in the whole fricking world. WE CAN'T WASTE TIME! COME ON!", Setuh said as she pushed Byrd into the portal.

The rest of the squad members hopped into the portal, wondering about what was about to occur next.

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Saike: I don’t have a drinking problem!
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Byrd: Bros trying to forget his cons.
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but fine
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Byrd: You’ll get that wish later…
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Saike: good
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Saike: SHUT UP

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Byrd: Make me!
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Saike: Alright!

*punches him across the face*
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Byrd: Little shit.

*He punches back.*
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*unsheathes kuroba*
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Byrd: Wake up, and smell the hummus, BRAT!
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Byrd: … how about we settle this score AFTER we save Dynamo? Does that sound clear?
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Amber all stronk and powerfullll :D
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You remembered X's ancient move nice
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Had to look back. It actually took around half an hour.
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This is amazing though
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Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
  • Saike very new
  • T-posing X transparent
  • The OPT by Punch_The_Clock
  • The OPT by Punch_The_Clock