Hinata is the Captain/old A3 of my universe. She met Mike and Peanut back at the Deepsea Metro,and Spyke and Yukiko a few hours before launching an attack on Strike.
She can use every weapon and every special, no matter where it came from.
A very good cook, but never shows it. Also has a bad habit of working herself to the edge of burnout.
Hanako (Peanut's Smallfry) likes to sleep on her. She doesn't really mind it.
Strike (nickname, his real name is Vlad) is a multiturfling, taking parts from Inklings, Octolings and even Jellyfishes due to some of their tentacles being on it's back.
It is the creator of the FlowCharge, a special type of ink that mind-controls people, cannot be wiped out if the turfling is splatted, and allows the person to use every Ink Flow that exists, but with a much weaker effect.
The only way to get rid of FlowCharge is water, as it'll act like a second skin that protects turflings temporarily from water.
He kidnapped Abigail to charge her (infuse her woth FlowCharge), who let Mike with a rage against him.
During the assault, it tried to blast a FlowCharge ray at the group, but Yukiko took a huge part of the hit.
She got charged, too, but the team was fast enough to throw her into the water.
During that time, Strike escaped. His location is currently unknown, and Hinata is on the hunt for any hints pointing ou where he is.
Switches between that gas mask and the Parallel Cannon mask to hide it's face.