And this mf parent only cares about the phone when there is a very deadly weapon in his go***mn diaper like"WhY dO yOu HaVe A pHoNe At ThIs AgE" like do you not notice that he has a literal glock-19 in his diaper
Man:Thats a baby with a gun
Man: Im calling the police...they hung up
Man:Its a baby with a gun
Man:Confort eating
Man:Thats just sugar
Man:Oh it a baby with a gun
Man:Baby with a gun
Man:Who sent you was it Brian ill buy him a new tub
Man:Does my insurance cover babies with guns....oh really
Man:how about we trade okay I'll
give you this and you give me that now
isn't that better
I'm really stupid oh so nice is it no
huh I'm a man with a gun what are you
you're a baby with a gun you're nothing
I'm sorry that was mean you don't
deserve that you're young let's take
where's the baby that's the baby why
don't you leave get out of my house
I'm hiding in the fridge now you know I
kind of want him to see me so when God's
like oh hey Tom how did you die me like
I know God maybe I was shot by a baby
with a gun
you're a sick baby when they're gone
you have to leave
oh look at this little baby oh no it's
got a gun
I have to move