I am a smart user who doesn’t care about upvote begging, people should do that but never listen, look at your mod abuser friend for example, and I’m not gonna leave that easy
Listen, I am sure u r smart, and I relize he is abusing, I am a mod so I understand what is happening, and it is fine if u don't want to get involved, I just made this for people that are in the war, u don't have to read it if u ain't involved
Vinwix, he said he feels guilty (even though he is not) because we were attacked and he is the leader and all, so I just wanted to cheer him up with this meme
Vinwix Said soon he will upload a meme about everyone's role, he said in our meme chat that I am second in command, I am going to have to talk with him a little more about the topic, just hang tight ok?