Every part of this comment is wrong.
"I don’t think being gay is wrong."
This meme says otherwise.
"Promoting it and pushing it is unnecessary."
That is not what you're saying in the meme. Also saying that promoting it is wrong is demonstrating that you think being gay is wrong.
"people have found out they were gay for thousands of years, without any government involvement."
Some people probably did. but without it being accepted, it probably took way longer, some people probably didn't find out at all. And the whole way through it probably sucked because they'd know that if they were, people wouldn't like them.
"What percent of people have lived a gay lifestyle, then changed to a heterosexual lifestyle?"
Hopefully not much. You can't just stop being gay, so anyone who did was either A. miserable, or B. Bisexual.
"One study found 20%"
Nope. If they did, there is a large piece of the study you left out.
"but that book was taken out of the library because it didn’t fit the narrative."
I doubt it was taken out of the library at all. And I also doubt that if it was taken out of any library, that it was for that reason.
"Promoting it lowers population growth."
So people should just live in denial of who they are and very likely not enjoy their life for the sake of populating a planet that already has 8 billion people? Yup, totally something someone who's okay with gay people would say.