I believe that while some corrupt people can take advantage of capitalism, it's actually a decent opportunity for everyone involved. In a capitalist society, everyone has an opportunity to become wealthy, even if they come from nothing. Take Jeff Bezos, for example. That man grew up poor.
It's much better than the patrician-plebian system Rome had thousands of years ago, where the rich stayed rich and the poor could never be anything but poor, because your status determined your opportunities.
And it's much better than socialism or communism, where pricing is forced around often and people are left struggling to make a living because of it. In a socialist/communist society, there's little incentives to actually work, so in the USSR, lots of workers would skimp on their jobs because they simply didn't care. And since the government is a dictatorship pretty much all the time when you have communist governments, there's no freedom and life is miserable af.
The problem with America's capitalism right now is that we have people in the government actively trying to inflate pricing and sabotage the country's economy, likely in a bid to "prove" capitalism sucks and communism is better. Anyone who falls for that has not done their history, and those who have not learned history are doomed to repeat it. Especially since the very things the government is doing to sabotage our economy is the very thing communists do to their economies (with the exception of China, who has actually adopted a better financial system - the problem is they're also a dictatorship with their nose in every government that might be a threat to them, and they've bought many political leaders). So in a way, they're using communist tendencies to "prove" capitalism sucks. And as a person who loves freedom, that is infuriating.
But kids these days know nothing but TikTok trends and the latest streaming TV show, so the government's job is pretty easy.