Sitting on top of a pyramid in the Sahara desert, Byrd and Setuh were looking at their Map of Multiverses. They were pointing out to the places that they have looked for. They have checked every abandoned place and every strange military base, but there was no found trace of Dynamo and his face. Setuh gritted her teeth out of sadness and anger.
"DAMMIT!", she swore, as she threw the map into the air, "We'll never find Lord Dynamo at this rate!".
The map, that was thrown, was caught by a stretched arm from Byrd, who calmed her down.
"We need to keep looking. We're literally the last people of our race. We can't afford to lose our leader.", told the blue man.
"I don't know, Byrd. We've searched nearly everywhere. We even had to double-check! The chances of finding Lord Dynamo is very, very unlikely. Soon, it's gonna be impossible!", she contended back.
Byrd looked at the sky, praying and hoping that they would find Dynamo at one lucky point.
"Come on then, sis. Let's go home.", muttered Byrd.
Thus, the two teleported to the door of the mansion. They sat around and worried deeply about Dynamo, until midnight.
"Settie, I think you should go to sle-", Byrd was about to finish.
He was cut off by Setuh, who sprinted upstairs to her room to cry. Coming out of hope, he stared down into space. He curled up on the sofa. He closed his eyes as tears rolled like boulders out of them.