I just wanna give thanks to all my friends
I will list some of the top ones
Swede: you've helped me and my little bro feel comfortable here on MSMG and all of imgflip, I can't thank you enough for helping us.
Hidden_rebel_lead: you became my best friend and I'm happy you are. You've helped me out when I needed help and always supported me no matter what, thanks man
Zari: you're basically like a brother to me, you always make me smile and can make my day even when I'm going through a lot, thank you a lot.
Alexis: when you became my bf, i knew we were the best match. You always care for me and were sweet every time we talked, ly!
Scarf: you were my first gf on here, you were always such a sweet girl and always made me smile. I'm so happy that i met you ^^
Everyone else: you guys are probably the most supportive people I've ever met, i really thank you all.
Thank you so much everyone! <3
-love, Teddy