The three villains follow the Masked Silhouette in the corridor. Samantha and Pasteur looked at Corbin, who had a serious, pissy look on his face. This was the moment he didn't expect, but waited. He wanted to encounter his enemy once again, to spit on him, to rub dirt on his face, to kill him. He never knew that the man, who has beaten him, had been captured. And now, here he is, strolling to see him.
"Corbin.", called out the Pixelator beside him.
"H-huh? Yeah?", answered the incarnation of darkness.
"What's up? You okay? What are you thinking about?".
"Oh... It's nothing much. It's just the fact that I have to see Dynamo again. It's just like a good, old family reunion."
"If it was a "family reunion", then your face would've been happier."
"That's exactly the point."
He strolled further away from Samantha and Pasteur, and caught up to Silhouette. Samantha stopped for a minute. She was intrigued by the way Corbin was acting. This wasn't like him before - funny, stupid, egotistic, fearful of cats. This was something different, something that actually made her know that her ex is a bloodthirsty threat. There had been a few instances of him being like this.
"Samantha! You comin'?!", shouted Silhouette from far away in front of her.
"Oh! Yes sir!", she said running to the three.
"Master, where are we actually going to?", asked Pasteur.
"Pasteur, my friend. We're already here!", nonsensically said Silhouette.
In front of the four was a dark door which had a sign written with “DO NOT OPEN, unless you’re the higher-ups”. Silhouette opened the door with his shadow making a dark, unsettling figure. The group entered a room, where it's dark all over. Not much was seen. Not much was smelt. Only breathing remained, but it wasn't theirs. It was someone else's. Silhouette walked to the left and flipped up a light switch. The whole room lit up, and in the view of the villains was an injured Dynamo strapped to a whiteboard with wheels.