I'ma give a quick little rundown of mine:
Gender Dysphoria
Body Dysmorphia
Being too nice
Being too mean
Faking too much
Being too honest
Not going outside enough
Being a disappointment to your parents
Being a disappointment to your friends
Being a disappointment to yourself
Being a disappointment
Being an overachiever
Not achieving enough
Being a nerd
Being dumb
Having a hobby
Not having any hobbys
body dysphoria
being too clingy
being too manipulative
failing family
failing friends
being overdramatic
faking depression by being inside too long
failing my dad by not socializing with people that hate me
being too honest
not taking the truth
guilt tripping
being too lazy
being alone for too long
being annoying
talking too much
being dumb
being a failure to my parents
spending too much time on screens
being too clingy
being too mean
not having hobbies
the music I like
the books I like
my clothes