Colt: -trying to hold Cuhki-
Cuhki: -squirming- LETZ MEH GO!!! PUT MEH DOWN RITE NAOWW or I unleash da FURYZ!!!!!!! U wanna see wrath of meh SPECIAL MOVE??
Yumi: Yep... he also may have a liiiiiittle bit of brain damage, various disorders, including reoccurring amnesia, which is why we need to remind him who we are sometimes. One thing he never forgets tho, he love cookies :3
Colt: -shaking cuhki even more aggressively- waaaaaakey uppp! :3
Yumi: stahp colt you're gonna give him even more brain-
colt: -accidentally yeets him into the ceiling-
Yumi: damage....
1 up, 10mo
Amber" =O "
Alex" :O "
Incendia" :O "
Vincent" - still playing with Yumi - "
Colt: sowwy
Yumi: cuhki calm down -brushes his tail-
cuhki: -looks offended- >:0
1 up, 10mo,
1 reply
Amber" wait... How are you watching the book? "
Vincent" SHUT the best part is starting - still looking at the cover of the book and starts crying - perfection "