Dude ok let me tell you this, I dont give a f**k if I lied or not, im just giving out the sources that came from the exact site on where it says alot of them are zoophiles, all im saying is that it doesn't freaking matter if your a anti furry or a furry, it doesn't make you special or better than anyone else, like dude anyone can serve their country if they are eligible enough, not just non-furries that you so call think are superior because you don't see furries as people because you think every single one of them want to pretend to be an animal and that your stereotypical asf, if you wanna believe they are fake then that's on you, because thats also the exact site saying that alot of furries are zoophiles, because you wanna be a total dick and accuse people of saying they can't accomplish anything or that they pretend to be an animal or make out with them over being in a fandom