I would rather consider Gacha Life as both a kind o software and something like Kinemaster but unique in ways that Kinemaster isn't usually used for and to AND a videogame on mobile as well considering the important fact that it literally is a game just like chess, mahjong, Phantasy Star Portable II, Tetris, Gran Turismo II, and many others you can imagine that are in various kinds o videogames like Guilty Gear Strive as an extra example since you can pretty much play it like an actual videogame if you don't care about the popular stuff the Gachatubers like Flotalendy, Mika Rou, Wisefox and others usually have and do in it that is however popular in most other videogames like Azurlane which btw is actually a game i played that is a Gacha game fr just like Gacha Life but absolutely different bruh! 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥