Oh boy... So I was on a Build Your Own Mech server, if you've ever heard of that game, it was quite a few years ago and I was very young.
But I was just playing the game, the chat was quiet as it always is in BYOM since everybody is too focused on building to type, someone starts talking in chat so I check it out, and this guy just goes on and on about how he LOVES the Mario brothers and writes gay fanfiction of mario and luigi, HE WOULD NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT.
Like that's weird, I don't really care, if you wanna be cringe, be cringe, but... who asked? Do you think anybody on ROBLOX is going to care that you like gay ships of the mario bros? This website is advertised to children bruh don't talk like that here there are probably kids playing this.
So anyway I start telling him allat, and why he should stop talking, and the guy just starts getting really defensive about it, another person in the server backs me up to say that nobody cares and we are both just roasting this dude. He gives me some talk about how he can't help liking gay mario bros fan fics because he's 'different' and 'a special little snowflake'. And I just tell him that's what they all say and I've heard it before, after that he just throws a tantrum and rage quits.