Yes, I understand the joke, but have you ever took the time to properly dissect the underlying text?
Weakening your Vaporeon will cause its body functions to work less consistently (including water bending and generating capabilities), but very likely, through the process mentioned, end up with internal tissue being extremely damaged. Another thing is that acid armour is still acid, which would likely result in inflammatory tissue. This in and of itself is a big issue and is worsened by the fact that a p**is has more nerve receptors than other parts of the human body, making acid armour even more painful. Adding to that, letting it use "Baby-Doll Eyes" will make you look quite a bit like a pedophile. Lastly, it will not turn white. It would absorb the water and remove the other substances through defecation.
Thus, we may conclude that Vaporeon is, in fact, not the most f**kable Pokémon.