what if this was a real mod
youd just have concept the guy with an n plush for his face as the main character, an AC-130 riding spoingus 👍 as the secondary main character (whatever u call it idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), michael as mr stick (whatever his purpose is), mcdonalds having a stroke as i-cant-read-that-name-because-the-text-and-the-background-areboth-purple-istg-who-made-this-template-please-fix it, a dog riding a bike as pizza granny, Hadudu_YT as g e r o m e, have you ever had a dream kid as the priest, baller as pepperman,
blehh u cant make me :P cat as i-cant-read-that-name-because-the-choice-of-colours-makes-it-impossible-to-see-template-maker-make-up-your-mind-on-the-text-colours-lol, whyh as the [oh my god this is the second time in an uninterrupted row], unnamed cat as pizzahead, angy cat >:( as pizzaface, roblox man face as dougie jones, ~[]~[]4 as pillar john, me as the noise, herbert as noisette (im not looking at the genders im just plopping down random images at 2000000000000 meters per second i dont care about if in the end it makes sense or not i just want them p o i n t s) and the worst possible set of characters as the toppins