Language information
1. The yellow region speaks Cantura. Uses the Cyrillic Alphabet. It's modified English.
Example Sentence: Ви́ ар гониван го́рем те да сентри оф да ертима.
Romanized: Ví ar gonivan górem te da syentry of da ertima
Translation: We are gonna go to the center of the earth.
2. The red region speaks Camo's Linquád. It is highly modified English. Uses Latin.
Example Sentence: Ya em josc canun giteron thezus ovrániwit.
Translation: I'm just gonna get this over with.
3. The blue region speaks Hengus. It's another modified English. Macrons for long vowels
Example: I wanass gāt in de polzein stēshin.
Translation: I wanna get in the Police Station.
4. Green speaks Gagassan. It uses the Cyrillic alphabet with another modified English.
Example: Аи реваали хатэн скула
Romanized: Ai revaali haten scula.
Translation: I really hate school.
In some countries, Cantura and Gagassan are officially romanized.