*shortly after you see two people and they run over to you*
girl: oh g-goodness you ok?
boy: *as he's cutting the strings* we'll talk later! first we get you outta here!
Dave: Shit they found us.... didn't they
Stan: Yes! let's go!
*Sheriff picks up lily who was somehow sleeping still*
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Galene: *continues to follow but looks back every now and then*
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*you get into a car and when you look back one last time the figure stares menacingly and although they don't emit emotion you could tell they were pissed*
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Galene: *thinks to self* That thing is mad...really mad! *Turns back*
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Sheriff: yet another close call... we are never safe..
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Galene: Yeah...
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*they turn to you*
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Galene: Hi...Who are you? *looks at them anxiously*
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Man: we are lost...
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Galene: Do you need help? *looks at them*
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Man: please... leave- *his voice becomes distorted* stop fighting me Dave... you won't win..
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Galene: What was that?! How did you change your voice?! And who is Dave?! *steps back*
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(c)Dave: you... will... join... us...
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Galene: What do you mean?! *takes 4 more steps back*
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*He opened fire with his guns*
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Galene: Ahhh *creates a shield with her magic*
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Samuel: oh uh that's lily. she's rather shy.
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Galene: Oh ok....... *goes over and sits by lily*
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*lily flinches a bit*
Lily: eek!
Samuel: and jumpy...
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Galene: *curls up into a ball and starts to hum a song*
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*she listens*
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Galene: *continues to hum the song*
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Lily: w-what song is that?
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Galene: A song my mom used to sing to me. *goes back to humming*
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*she listens calmed down a bit*
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Galene: *looks at her then turns back and closes her eyes still humming*
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Sheriff: *he'd sit next to her* its ok...
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Galene: *continues to hum*
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*Sheriff listens*
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Galene: *finishes the song* Why did Dave leave?
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Sheriff: he's got thinking problems... he probably thought the reason you stopped humming was because of him..
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Galene: It wasn't him. It was.... *her voice trailed off*
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Sheriff: don't tell me.. you don't have to...
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Galene: *looks at Sheriff then at the floor*
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*he'd pat her shoulder lightly*
Sheriff: think about the positive things.
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Galene: *smiles* Right happy thoughts..
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*you see normal people running from the area*
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Galene: *teleports and stops infront of them* Stop...Please!
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???: woah! w-who are you?!?
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Galene: My name is Galene and you shouldn't go that way! I know already what happens if you go that way. *motions behind her*
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???: we were going that way! *he point* we were gonna save you!
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Galene: What do you mean you were going to save me?!
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???:You were surrounded! This was supposed to be a distraction c'mon before they come!
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Galene: Okay *quickly starts to follow*
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???(voice): this isn't over..*fades out*
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Galene: *whisperes* Glad what ever that was is gone!
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*she looks tired*
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Galene: *looks around at everyone still humming*
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Dave: *looking outside* ...
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Galene: *stops humming abruptly*
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Dave: what.
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Galene: *goes back to humming but less energetic as if she remembered something she didn't want to remember*
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Dave: *in mind* f**kin' hell I did something didn't I *he'd leave*
Nina: Dave? Dave! come on..... *she'd follow him*
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Galene: *hums softly* ?
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Sheriff: it's a nice song..
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Galene: Thanks.... *her voice lower than usually and her eyes dropped to the floor*
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Sheriff: that's how we are still here...
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Galene: *murmurs* Blue skies, Ice cream...
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Sheriff: ...
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Galene: *murmurs* Park with Mom.
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*Stan looks like he had seen someone*
Stan: guys! outside...
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Galene: *darts up* I'm ready!
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*the figure outside stands there menacingly*
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Galene: *looks at it as if she thought she knew it*
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*it still stands there not moving a muscle*
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Galene: We see you....
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(c)Dave: impressive...
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Galene: What was that for?! *makes the shield fade away*
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Man: you will make a great addition to his army...
*more would emerge from the darkness around*
Man: just don't fight us... you'll lose like all the rest...
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Galene: Wha?! *starts to levitate in the air*
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*an overwhelming booming voice is now in your head*
???: I will be your downfall Galene....
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Galene: What?! How do you know my name?! *looks angry and levitates higher*
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???: do not fight me, give in...
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Galene: What?! Don't Fight! What do you expect me to do? *sends a blast of ice toward the right*
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???: *laughs* you are ignorant...
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Galene: What?! I still have no clue who or what you are?! *sends fire to the left*
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Sheriff: don't think about what he- or it said to you.... think about the good... negativity helps it...
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Galene: *starts to whistle*
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Sheriff: there we go. *he'd smile slightly*
Dave(or biker): you're a pretty good whistler
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Galene: Thanks *goes back to whistling*
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*Samuel and Nina are holding hands while walking while Nina is humming a tune*
Samuel: *to you* wait til' you meet the others.. well one of them he's kinda mean- well to me at least.
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Galene: Okay.....*turns to some rustling noises*
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*the group is alerted by that*
Samuel: get ready for anything
Sheriff: *ready to quick draw*
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*a pack of wolves and black cats appear*
Galene: Ohh *smiles in joy*
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Sheriff: *sigh of relief*
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Galene: *bends down and starts to pet one of the cats* You came to my call! You guys are such good pets!
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???: oh... you heard it too? that's the lost one... his desire is to take over the world... which is happening...
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Galene: Oh yeah.... He said He was my downfall...he made me remember...... *her voice trails off*
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???: he tries to break you by memories... I was one of them for a while... until I was saved by her *he points at a girl*
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Galene: Oh...... *trying not to remember*
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???: well anyway I am Samuel. you?
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Galene: Galene.....
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Samuel: nice to meet ya. That is my girlfriend Nina(the one who saved him) that is Sheriff, that's Dave Nina's brother(he's 7 ft tall) and that Sargent gunner or Sarge.
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Galene: Nice to meet you all. My name is Galene.
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Sheriff: nice to meet ya.
Dave: sup.
Nina: hi!
Sheriff: good thing we saw ya when we did... you would've been corrupted...
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Galene: Yeah..... *her voice trails off*
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*someone comes out*
???: Oh you guys are back... and brought someone..
Dave: what? you got a problem with that?
???: who's idea was this?
Samuel: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh mine?
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Galene: My name is Galene. And these are my pets. *looks at the person sternly*
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Stan: I'm Stan... *to Samuel* but why would you bring her here?! we don't have enough food!
Samuel: bro. calm down.
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Galene: *turns to the animals* *whispers* Go find food, stay away from hunters, you know basic rules. *animals run off* *she turns bakc*
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Stan: ...ok....
Nina: they're so cute!
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Galene: *looks around* So....what now?
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Stan: we head in.
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Galene: Ok.... *turns and whistles*
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*when you go in you see a girl*
???: h-hi
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Galene: Hi...... *looks around then back at the girl*
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Dave: you have that many pets?
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Galene: Yes! *turns to them and starts to walk* *the animals start to follow*
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Dave: *in mind* animal people...
Nina: how did you get so many?! *adores animals*
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Galene: Well..... That's a long story. But the short answer is that I can talk to them.
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Nina: Wow! I wish I could talk to animals....
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Galene: I will tell you what the animals say. They are nice by the way.
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Nina: oh ok!
Samuel: there is still joy in the apocalypse... which is good.
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Galene: Yeah! *murmurs* even though I still ain't happy. *whistles for the animals to follow*
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Samuel: well were here.. the base.
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Galene: Ok. *looks around*
*the animals sit down waiting for instructions*
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???: I am your downfall.... *(if she has any) reminds about trauma*
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Galene: Noo, Not again! *remembers the time when one of the hunters killed one of the wolves* Come on it's not real!
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???: you couldn't save them.... you were to slow...
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Galene: He is gone not real not real! *starts to clear her mind*
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???: you can't get rid of me...
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Galene: I might not be able to get rid of you.....*sends fire in front of her* But I will NOT give in!
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???: ...
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Galene: Think think!
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*an explosion is heard nearby*
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Galene: What was that?! *turns the direction the explosion came from*
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*he eyes start glowing the glow is shaped as an X*
Stan: Shit they found us...
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Galene: *thinks to self* Shit! If I didn't come here they probably wouldn't have found them *out loud* Dam it!
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*Stan fires rounds at it but the bullets deflected off it*
Stan: the hell?
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Galene: ?!
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*the figure starts to approach slowly*
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Galene: *ready to attack*
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Sheriff: no we can't fight that thing it's wiser to get outta here!
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Galene: .....Okay..... *turns* We need to get the others..