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354 views 26 upvotes Made by -.spoopy-ace.- 7 months ago in Middle-School
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Captain Obvious | image tagged in captain obvious | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Alternate title: "Drugs are the highest part of my day", woman says.
0 ups, 7mo
0 ups, 7mo,
2 replies
He likes taking your money, and you love to get your fix of caffeine.

Its kind of like a glorified drug-deal.
0 ups, 7mo,
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0 ups, 7mo,
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Drake Hotline Bling Meme | ILLICIT DRUGS CAFFEINE DRUGS | image tagged in memes,drake hotline bling | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, 7mo,
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ones illegal, ones not
so we chose the one thats legal
(side tangent; you can overdose on coffee and it can be dangerous and harmful compared to something like weed which is impossible to overdose on))
0 ups, 7mo
True, but youre about 10,000x more likely to die from those legal prescription drugs your doctor told you that you need to improve your health.
0 ups, 7mo,
1 reply
oh waitt i saw some posts in impact font and orange and blue
your over the age of 30 and like politics, dont you? awwwwww bless your heart <3
0 ups, 7mo,
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No, but either way, why didnt you upvote and respond to them if you saw them...?
0 ups, 7mo,
1 reply
i dont care that much
i clicked on your porfile
saw he posts
made assumtion
posted comeback (ish)
then listened to a new song cuz i was bored of cavetown and wanted some alex g
0 ups, 7mo,
1 reply
So, do you, like, care about anything, or are you convinced by your school teacher that you have no real purpose in life and that your ancestor was a hairy mammal with a tail?
0 ups, 7mo,
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1: yeah, i believe in science, evolution, and that there isn't a god
2. i care about a lot of stuff, just not an argument about baptism and christ
0 ups, 7mo,
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Alright, thats to be expected, considering the effectiveness of the mass indoctrination used by the public school system; and Im not into arguing either.

But consider this, Atheistic evolution is nothing but a religion.
Evos claim to follow the science, but instead, they use copious amounts of faith-based imagination about what happened in the unobservable distant past to predict the unforeseeable future. That's exactly what almost every religion on earth does. You start with a premise, and base your hypotheses on it.

The only difference is that Evos have a flawed premise, and thus their hypotheses are all corrupted.
Religions based on Divine Creation are supported by scientific observation we can all attest to—that Order requires an incredible amount of Intelligence to carry out and maintain it.

Anything unguided and arbitrary creates chaos and destruction—not a complex universe.
Just imagine what would eventually happen on the smallest scale, if no intelligent janitor ever cleaned your school bathrooms or kindergarten playrooms.
0 ups, 7mo,
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1. What is the flawed premise?
2. there's lots of evidence for evolution and almost none for most religions.
0 ups, 7mo,
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The flawed premise is that the 'evolution' of the universe or species has not been observed, tested, or repeated. Scientific theories depend on those to be graduated to facts.

Where's evidence that proves life came about randomly, without Intelligence guiding the process?

Intelligent design is obvious and scientific. Everything we use on a day-to-day basis has been intelligently designed—not randomly mutated.

Intelligent design is obvious to any unbiased critical thinker. Take your chemistry lab class for example:
If any order in creating chemical compounds is to be expected, there must be carefully orchestrated actions carried out by an 'intelligent mind' regarding the process.
Imagine what would happen without Intelligent Design directing the class...*boom*

You know that, but at the same time, you are indoctrinated to believe contradictory information regarding the formation of the entire universe and all its chemical elements; assuming they could have formed by themselves in perfect harmony without any Intelligent Being or person controlling the processes, randomly, unguided. Cmon, think. Thats not science, thats blind faith.
0 ups, 7mo,
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But it has been tested and observed??

We can see the Big Bang using technology. That's evidence of life being born.

For your chemistry theory:


re-explain that to me

(im not being indoctrinated, his is what i believe without anyone else)

The universe isn't really in perfect harmony, though. black holes are constantly eating everything, stars are dying and killing things, and the universe will eventually die pretty gruesome, either by the big rip, or the heat death of the universe.
0 ups, 7mo
Im sorry, but you are not allowed to think for yourself in school. If you do, they will ridicule and fail you for non-compliance—whether you are a student or a teacher. Facts.

Now listen up if you want to learn something of real value:
Random unguided beneficial mutations have never been observed—they exist only in the imagination of evolutionists. And as the universe becomes more corrupted since God created it, that only proves Creation, not Evolution. Things naturally deteriorate, they do not naturally evolve into better things without outside intelligenct guiding them.
Evolution is wishful thinking, not science.

Everything we see and use has been intelligently designed, even the pencils you use and the socks you wear. Intelligent design scientifically demands an intelligent Creator. This is true on a micro scale as well as on a cosmic scale.

Its the honest Evos who admit this:
"The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop."—Dr. Edwin Conklin, EVOLUTIONIST and professor of biology at Princeton University.

Furthermore, if there is a 'heat death' that is predicted, just know that it was first predicted by the writers of the bible, long, long ago—not the atheistic scientific community:
2Pe 3:10, 12 NLT - ..Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear IN FIRE, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. ... 12.. On that day, he will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will MELT AWAY in the flames.
0 ups, 7mo,
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do you know what the heat death of the universe even is lmao
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do you?
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"The 'heat-death' of the universe is when the universe has reached a state of maximum entropy. This happens when all available energy (such as from a hot source) has moved to places of less energy (such as a colder source). Once this has happened, no more work can be extracted from the universe."

its basically the universe dying of old age, every star being burnt, every supernova happening, and all thats left are black holes, really.
0 ups, 7mo,
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Entropy proves that evolution doesn't occur. In fact things get worse over time, not better. Entropy proves a Creation story where "everything was good that was made" — Genesis 1.

You cannot 'absolutely' know something that hasn't happened yet. You can only imagine what 'might' happen, but you cannot know for sure. Science means 'knowledge', therefore you cannot prove scientifically what will happen in the future, because you have not observed it; you can only guess.
Thats what Evo theory is founded upon—guesses, not science.

Evolution says it all started as a mess and formed (by itself) into order. That's a wild imagination. Conversely, logical scientific observation says that Order came first, and then Disorder set in unto and continues to until an eventual disintegration of all things.

What your religious scientific textbook prophesies about the 'heat death' of the future is no different than what the bible prophesied about the future, except that the bible thought of it first.
0 ups, 7mo,
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im not saying i know what happens im saying i know what the theory is

and first of all, i didnt learn about this theory from a text book. second, the two ideas are VERY DIFFERENT??
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"The universe will die a death from heat" — Godly prophets (2,000 years ago)

"The universe will die a heat death" — scientific community (150 years ago)

Interestingly, the man who first proposed a heat death was a firm believer in the Bible.

However, the idea has been hijacked and, again, Evos are stealing scientific knowledge from the Bible, and pretending they 'discovered' it.
0 ups, 7mo,
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the universe. will FREEZE. not die from heat.
0 ups, 7mo
according to this theory, at least. theres a lot of theories! :]
0 ups, 7mo
You sound sure of that, pretty much as sure of that as you are of the Big Bang—yet you havent seen either of those things.

Do you notice how much faith you are displaying in the words of what other men say?
How can you not see that evolution is a religion?

Something that evolutionists don't realize is that Evolution is an eastern religion based on the ascent of man to divinity. It is a polytheistic pagan religion, and is arguably the oldest pagan religion on earth. It was what Satan used to convince Adam and Eve to disobey God, saying, “Eat of this fruit, and you will evolve to be like gods yourselves!”
0 ups, 7mo,
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No fire.

(so no, the bible doesnt predict jack-shit)
0 ups, 7mo,
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How can you be scientifically positive there will be 'no fire' involved in the probable 'heat death' of earth? Is that scientific proof or just guesstimation again.

I see alot of destruction by fire around the earth as we live today. A heat death would very likely, judging by current scientific observation, that fire would be involved—at least to a degree (or a few thousand).
0 ups, 7mo,
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also, if you want other theories about how the universe ends, here!
0 ups, 7mo
The secular scientific community has as many hypotheses as they have types of drugs to consume while conjuring up these quack theories. They have no idea and neither do we. No one knows the future for sure. Not even Jesus himself.

What we do know is that God our Creator made sure that we are able to understand what He wants from us, and ensured that men (mostly poor, humble and uneducated to avoid the sin of Pride which fell the devil) wrote and passed down what we need to know about life, and the universe as we see it.
Their writings comprise the Bible, and although men have corrupted the canon (set) of books and added evil books like Esther, as well as left good books out, like Enoch, we still have a consistent salvation message to follow, without excuses for disobedience to Gods commands.

All these guesses about the exact way the earth was created or will be destroyed is vanity, and it takes us off of our focus of the here and now—seeking righteous living everyday.

Psa 101:1-8 NLT - 1 A psalm of David. I will sing of your love and justice, LORD. I will praise you with songs. 2 I will be careful to live a blameless life--when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. 3 I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. 4 I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. 5 I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. 6 I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me. 7 I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence. 8 My daily task will be to ferret out the wicked and free the city of the LORD from their grip.
0 ups, 7mo
0 ups, 7mo,
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also, fire cant survive in space. it needs oxygen.
0 ups, 7mo
Yet, despite this, you also believe that fueled rockets flew through 200,000 miles of the vacuum of space and landed on the moon.

So living with this extreme case of Cognitive Dissonance, you are aware of this obvious deception they fooled you with, yet you still believe what those same ppl from NASA (NotASpaceAgency) and other MS scientists say about the formation and destruction of the universe?

Fool me once...
0 ups, 7mo,
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the heat death of the universe isnt the universe dying because of heat, its heat dying because of the universe.
0 ups, 7mo,
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And you 'know' this because your prophets have spoken such "Thus saith Science!"?

Sounds like blind faith, not science.
0 ups, 7mo,
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i what


its a theory??? thats what the theory is???? it cant really be something else???
the universe dying by heat would be a different theory???
0 ups, 7mo,
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"There are only two possibilities as to how life arose; one is spontaneous generation arising to evolution, the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion, that life arose as a creative act of God. I WILL NOT ACCEPT that philosophically because I DO NOT WANT to believe in God, therefore I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising from evolution.”
—Dr. George Wald, EVOLUTIONIST, Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University at Harvard, Nobel Prize winner in Biology.
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0 ups, 7mo
i hear you loud and clear..
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