Dances with Buffaloes.
So is it 'buffalo' or 'buffaloes?'
Although buffalo is a special noun that can be singular and plural, nevertheless, it belongs to the type of irregular plural nouns. So, it is also correct to write "buffaloes" as the plural of buffalo. Or you could call them bison, which is their true biological name. So is it 'tourist' or 'touron?' "Touron" is the correct word. Not all tourists are morons. The term originates with a tourist from Iowa who was born without any common sense or any form of intelligence or self-preservation instincts.
We also affectionately refer to them as IOWANS: Idiots Out Wandering Around. It could be said a great deal of them also come from #Commiefornia, as #Commiefornia #UsefulIdiots also have no self-preservation instincts by ignoring the fact that communism is responsible for far more death and destruction in the 20th century than any war, including Hitler's Nazis.