M.O.Z: Something is wrong bud. Are you hiding something?
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Mex: *he suddenly seems a bit more anxious* n-no! *he starts sweating*
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M.O.Z: You sure?
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Mex: yes! I-im sure!..
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M.O.Z: I do not believe you.
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Mex: can you stop dogging on me to give you an answer?! *his eyes flash yellow a little bit*
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M.O.Z: Do you have a bug? Is there something wrong with you?
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: no! *his voice sounds more aggressive and his eyes are flashing yellow even more*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: I am your best friend. You can share anything with me okay?
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Mex: I can't move right now... I'm sorry...
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: Okay
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Mex: *looks at the moon*
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M.O.X: Like it?
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: beautiful thing to see after dying and coming back... *sigh* (gyood nyght)
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: Yep...
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: *smiles and goes to sleep*
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: *Smiles*
0 ups, 1y,
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*ze next day*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.X: *Wakes up*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
(If you are on reply in 40 seconds or else)
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*their body parts are reprimanded and scattered across the floor*
[deleted] M
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*M.O.Z is horrified for a sec*
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: oh no... *his voice is shaky and he looks like he's about to cry*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: T-they are dead...
0 ups, 1y,
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*Mex leans against the wall, terrified*
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M.O.Z: *Collapses onto the floor*
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Mex: MOZ! *tries to wake him*
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M.O.Z: *Just laying there*
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*sits on the floor with him*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: That was terrifying....
0 ups, 1y,
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*Mex is still asleep*
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M.O.X: Lol
0 ups, 1y,
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*Mex wakes up and sits up*
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M.O.X: Doing alright?
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: well, I'm alive ain't I?
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M.O.Z: Yes
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: *grabs arm and attaches it back on*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *Humming something*
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Mex: yo what's that song
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: Nothing
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: yeah, fair... *coughs up more oil*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: You know...I could..
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: do what?
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *His arm turns into a blaster and he aims it at Mex;s head* Gotta kill ALL murder drones *He fires it point blank*
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*He quickly dodges it* Mex: wh-why?
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M.O.Z: Idk
0 ups, 1y,
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*Mex vomits oil* Mex: aw shit...
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: You okay?
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: *falls down*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: BUD?!??!?
0 ups, 1y,
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*you turn him over and see two words along with an exclamation mark:*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: B-bud no!
0 ups, 1y,
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*the screen fades and the only thing you see is the reflection of yourself*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: N-NO!!
0 ups, 1y,
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* your voice echoes down the empty halls*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: ....
0 ups, 1y,
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*you pick up his body and carry it out*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: .....
0 ups, 1y,
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*you drop it on the snowy floor and sit down*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: I hope you are not actually dead...
0 ups, 1y,
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*slightly twitching*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: Bud what is wrong?!?!
0 ups, 1y,
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*no response*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: Bud?
0 ups, 1y,
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[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: ....
0 ups, 1y,
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... *...you should help him.*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *Trying to help*
0 ups, 1y,
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*he isn't getting up*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: Buddy! What is wrong!?!?!?
0 ups, 1y,
1 reply
Mex: *sigh* well, I can't tell, but I can show. *his eyes become a yellow X, his fingers become claws, and he reveals a tail* *he pins you against a wall and stabs you with his tail*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y,
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M.O.Z: Ow! W-why?
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: no one can know... *he claws at you, leaving multiple deep cuts* (nighty night)
[deleted] M
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[deleted] M
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*He falls to the ground #presumeddeadbutnot*
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Mex: *he stares at his presumably dead friend with a cold stare. He reveals his wings and flies off*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *Gets up coughing* W-why?
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*you see oil leaking from your mouth* (I'm guessing he's a worker drone correct?)
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *Wiping it off* I have to find him...
0 ups, 1y,
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*after a little bit of walking you see him playing gin rummy with some other friends*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: Hey Mex!
0 ups, 1y,
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*you sit in the snow for a while, next to Mex's corpse while staring at the moon*
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: Pretty moon today...
0 ups, 1y,
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*Mex's arm twitches a little bit a few times*
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: What?
0 ups, 1y,
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*his arm detatches and crawls toward you*
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: Huh?
0 ups, 1y,
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*it climbs on your lap and just lays there*
[deleted] M
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M.O.X: .....
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: *wakes up* *in a weak voice* I think you have my arm...
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.X: It crawled to me but here have it.
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Mex: when you collapsed I though you died there...
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: I have died multiple times before......
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Mex: really?
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M.O.Z: Yep....
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: how?
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: I die and then just come back....it has happened 4 times by now..
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Mex: well, you're lucky...
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M.O.Z: No...
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Mex: I would consider you lucky
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: For people like you it seems like it is lucky.....until most of everyone you love die right beside you...
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*he is coughing oil* Mex: dude... Run...
[deleted] M
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M.0.X: No! *His arm turns into blaster and he starts blasting down the murder drones*
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Mex: *watching in awe and coughs up some more oil*
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M.0.X: *Killing all of the murder drones* You okay bud?
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Mex: not doing the greatest... *the oil has stained his clothes*
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M.O.Z: *His arm goes back to normal* I got a medkit
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Mex: *he smiled* well, at least you've got healing...
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M.O.Z: *He grabs a medkit out of his bag and patches Mex up*
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Mex: *slowly stands up and is shaky*
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: *Looks at his friends* You doing okay?
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*they see some other Murder Drones flying above*
Mex: here, how about we go inside the building right here? *points at the building they are standing behind*
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M.O.Z: Yes lets go inside.
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*the other friends come inside as well*
*the building is nicely lit, with there being a few dark spots but that was about it. The building also seemed new and well polished*
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M.O.Z: Strange....
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: well, this is my house! You like it?
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M.O.Z: I guess..
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Mex: yeah, the halls are pretty much empty but yknow, it is what it i- *suddenly murder start piling in and am having everyone except Mex, who is in shock*
[deleted] M
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M.O.Z: *Dodging them*
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*Mex tries attacking the drones, but they attack back, leaving him brutally damaged*
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M.O.Z: Mex! *He runs straight to Mex*
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*he seems startled* Mex: h-hey Moz! What's up?
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M.O.Z: I am doing alright "friend"
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Mex: hey, Moz? Could we talk in private real quick?
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M.O.Z: Of course....
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*in private*
Mex: ok, I'm sorry for what I did, its just... I don't want anyone to know I'm a murder drone, alright?
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M.O.Z: *Kicks Mex* Still though, f**k you.
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*grabs shin in pain*
Mex: Ow!
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M.O.X: Sorry
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Mex: its alright, I deserved it...
[deleted] M
0 ups, 1y
M.O.Z: Yep....
0 ups, 1y,
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Mex: ...
Hey, thanks for saving my life back there.