Supernova dashed towards Interitus, and slashed at his leg. Interitus then attacked back, and tried to stab him in the chest before stomping him into the ground.
Supernova: You know what i’ve learned from all of this?
Interitus: What?
Supernova: You just can’t win.
Interitus: Go on.
Supernova: Your only motivation is the will to kill me, and then everyone else. You are terrible. Cruel and indifferent. You don’t think, only fight. You’re filled with rage. You’ll never win.
Interitus grabbed Supernova by the neck.
Interitus: I’d rather try than forfeit.
He grabbed his sword one last time, and slashed it into Supernova’s side. He was instantly grabbed, and thrown off of the nearby cliff face.
And then, there was nothing but peace.
He had gotten what he wanted.