The only reason adults were the primary demographic for baptism was because, in the first stages of the NT church, it was a society of non-believers who had just recently heard the gospel as adults, so there was no possible way to baptize them as infants. In other words, a church that practices only Adult/Believers/Credo-baptism is following the structure of an unredeemed and heathen society that has never heard the gospel.
Therefore, in the ideal Christian community, not only would children be baptized along with adults, but rather, ONLY children would be baptized, and NEVER adults, since the adults would have already been baptized by their believing parents when they were infants.
Comparably, from the very beginning of the patriarchal OT Israel church age, Abraham was likely the only man who was circumcised as an adult, as all the other males throughout the Israelite ages were circumcised as children and as infants.