Dear bBee, I have seen some great memes, some crappy ones. I've seen things change from only one stream to now where we have many. The politics stream used to have both parties represented. But not one of the liberals memes ever made the front page. The poor, unfunny libs got so discouraged that they started Politics Too. ... Thousands of years ago, Socrates one of the most brilliant men who had ever lived. He was designated an Enemy of the State and condemned to kill himself with poison. On the appointed day, his close followers gathered around to say Goodbye. He was handed a chalice of hemlock. As he raised it to his lips, he was asked for one last tidbit of Wisdom. He said, "All I know is I know nothing." Same here. I believe that we are watched and restricted like on Facebook... But like Socrates, all I know is I know nothing. Nice meeting you. Forgive my wordiness. Upvote to you