*Later after Fay finishes her combat training*
Kahe: you did better than most people did, so im gonna get us some food. But I think you’re prepared enough that you can go underwater
Fay: but how will I know what to do?
Kahe: just do what your mind tells you to.
The phrase that had been said to her echoed in Fays mind. So much so that she didn’t notice that she was alone
Fay: Do what my mind tells me….
She stood in front of the water, looking at it
Fay: alright.
Fay took off her clothes and walked into the pool, as she got closer to the center she could feel the water pulling her down
“Just do what you think, fay”
She laid on the bottom of the pool, feeling the water around her. She felt as if she was just surrounded by cool air and took a breath. Surprisingly, it worked and she breathed the water
*about 20 minutes later*
Fay floated up to the surface of the pool and got out
she looked around and saw kahe who was blushing a bit
Fay: how long were you here
Kahe: like 5 minutes, I didn’t want to interrupt. I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable.
Fay: it’s fine, I used to live with someone who was like this all the time.
Fay began to get dressed
Kahe: so uh…fay?
Fay: yeah?
Kahe: what’s next?