I say Fortnite. Fortnite was fun but it's getting kind of stale lately, and just not as fun as it was. The updates only happen every 4 weeks now, and the game is just dying. Like sure, bringing OG Fortnite back, brought like 30 million players back to the game, but OG Fortnite didn't have the pump back, like everyone was wanting, and a lot of the guns we wanted were completely different. And the storyline is just over. We have no information on what happened to The Seven, The Imagined Order is gone, and The Oathbound just vanished. And the community on Fortnite is seriously toxic. I was in a game with a duo once and he kept saying "Bro your so bad, like I'm doing all the work dude." And I was getting every kill. He had 0 kills. I had like 16. And when he was knocked he got mad at me saying how "I'm literally trash at this game" and he kept saying that its MY FAULT he was knocked. I killed the team and revived my teammate, only for him to say "finally I killed them" knowing that it was ME who killed the team. And just about every match I come across kids like this, so Fortnite just gotta die. If only this button was an actually real button.