Barred for Bad Groupuns (or Croupuns); OzwinEVCG; "Berries and Lentilmen, It's Time for a
Hamiliar Yet Often For-potatoes-au-gratin
a-Dressing: As Cheese Approach Salad
Options Via Salad Bars That Were Barred
to Us Before There Even Was a Salad Bar,
Lettuce Reflect and Give Steaks That
Whenever We Embark Upon Culinary
Explorcrustaceans Across One Thousand
Island, or into Many Hidden Valleys, We
Usually Return Unyogurt, Besides Dumpling
Over Stuffing Ourselves, from Our Soyages.
Thank You for Your Wrapped Attention,
Burrito Barring Other Circumstances."; [Ed The Note: what's up with (yelp[dot]com)
as a name for a reviews website? -Whether
you're a happy hurt puppy or a sad hurt puppy,
you can post your thoughts right here!-]