I think Sarah Michelle Gellar is perfect for the role of Marie, as she is kind, loving, sweet, and pretty, but is not one for paparazzi. Erin Cahill (the voice of Chloe Lynch from "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2") is perfect for the role of Callie, as she is explosive, foxy, has that sassy trait and voice. Nolan North (the voice of Richtofen in Call of Duty Zombies) is perfect for Agent 3, or his real name: Remix "Jazz" Downbeat, as he is quite the voice monkey, and acts very weird. Sam Worthington (the voice of Alex Mason from "Call of Duty: Black Ops") is the perfect role for Agent 4, or his real name: Bruce Spletzer, as he possesses emotion, self-esteem, and a hero's dignity and humility-only after Agent 5's death. Michael Rooker (the voice of Mike Harper from "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2") is the perfect role for Agent 5, or his real name: Lionel Chimera, as he possesses a badass bounty hunter's personality, and is a man of his word. Natalie Portman (the face of Padmé Amidala from "Star Wars") is the perfect role for Agent 8, or her real name: Alexis "Lexi" Spletzer (Bruce's WIFE, not sister), as she is emotionally breakable and has a non-threatening huggable tone. Danny DeVito is perfect for Cap'n Cuttlefish, as they're both old and salty.