When you're in love with somebody you find yourself seeing the world in a different light in which you feel immortal. To a point of almost no return of pure emotion and passion you feel in your entire body when you think of this person. Everything reminds you of them, and you often find yourself dreaming of them or talking to them in your imagination. Then whenever you have to let go them it hurts so bad you once again you can feel it in your entire body and find yourself deeply depressed knowing you'll never be with this person. Especially when you see this person with their romantic partner you don't feel jealousy but extreme sorrow and heartbreak knowing you've been replaced but who you thought was your soulmate. As time goes by your heart becomes hardened like a stone as almost you have no emotion because all of it was spent on her. You eventually strengthen yourself and become enthralled in confidence knowing you don't need her anymore or anybody for that matter. Then you find somebody even better, you never would think it would happen because the previous person had caused you to lose all emotion and love. You begin to realize you've started the cycle over again, and eventually you'll have to decide what true love is and if you have the strength to let go or if you'll fall into an endless pit of sorrow for the rest of your life.